Santee Elementary

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STATE TESTING Grades 3-5 May 7-16
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Rock the CAASPP!

Thanks to Santee's pep rally committee for coordinating an inspirational event on Tuesday, April 30 to motivate upper-grade students, who are currently taking the CAASPP test. The CAASPP test is the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, which is designed to assess students' abilities in language arts and mathematics. 
The pep rally included a presentation from lower-grade students that provided tips on how to prepare for and engage with the rigorous test. Messages included: Get good sleep and eat a good breakfast, read the directions and questions carefully, think about what you've learned and plan and organize your thoughts, and use the tools provided to help you be successful. 
We are so excited for our upper-grade students to show what they've learned and we have full confidence that they are going to do their best on the CAASPP test. They've worked so hard to get to this point and now it's time for them to share all their accomplishments. Third grade teacher Kelly Maeda commented, "My third grade students left the pep rally feeling empowered to rock the CAASPP. It is so nice that they have the support of their peers and staff across campus, and not just me. It makes them feel a greater purpose for trying their best!"